Finding Current and Former Employees of Companies on LinkedIn

Finding Current and Former Employees of Companies on LinkedIn

Learn how to find former and current employees of any company on LinkedIn with our ultimate guide. Use filters and search features to find employees!

1. Why knowing how to find company employees is a good idea

Before we dive into the process of how to view current or former employees of any company on LinkedIn, let’s explore the significance of this for your business.

Essentially, identifying a company’s employees can serve as the initial stage in a lead generation process, providing you with numerous new potential clients to engage with. Therefore, having the know-how on how to locate a company’s employees is a transformative factor for your business.

There are several advantages to knowing how to see a company’s employees on LinkedIn that can enhance your business, regardless of which industry you work in:

  • Sales representatives working in the B2B industry can directly contact employees of companies within their target niche.
  • Recruiters can leverage their ability to find employees of specific companies to reach out to potential candidates working for competitors or in related niches.
  • Marketers can gather valuable information about potential leads by identifying and connecting with employees within their target market.

This guide will demonstrate how to find company employees on LinkedIn using LinkedIn search features. So if you’re curious about how to search for employees of a company, you’ve come to the right place!

2. How to view employees of a company on LinkedIn

Are you looking to find current employees of a company on LinkedIn? Here’s a quick way to find them with just a few clicks.

Step 1: Open up LinkedIn and set up your search

In this case, we are looking for employees who work at X.

  1. Launch LinkedIn.
  2. Type the name of the company into the search bar. In this case, we are trying to view the employees at Google.

Step 2: Locate the list of employees on the company page

Trying to see the employees of a specific company via a LinkedIn company page?

Here’s how you can find a list of employees at a company by visiting the company’s LinkedIn page. Once there, you can use the “People” search function to manually browse through the employees.

As shown in the image, there are 274,316 current or former employees associated with Google. We now know how to access the list of employees on LinkedIn directly from the company page.

You have the option to search for these employees by using job titles, keywords, or educational institutions. For example, by searching “UCLA,” you can find employees who have attended that university on LinkedIn.

And there you have it—now you understand how to view a company’s employees on LinkedIn.

3. How to find former employees of a company on LinkedIn

But what if you are looking for staff members who formerly were employed at a company that has caught your attention? Then you may be curious about how to locate ex-employees of a company on LinkedIn.

Here is our how to find former employees on LinkedIn. In this section, we will demonstrate how to find past employees of a company.

Step 1: Start your LinkedIn search

Here’s how to find former employees of a company. Just like you did in section 1, open up LinkedIn, add your search term and to the right of the search bar click on “All filters.”

 Discovering former employees of a company can be done similarly as to what you did in the first part:

  1. Go to LinkedIn
  2. Enter your search term such as the company you’re looking at
  3. Click on “All filters” located to the right of the search bar.

Step 2: Filter your search

Ensure to filter only by “People”.

After that, quickly scan through this list until you come across the “Past company” section, which is located in the middle of this list.

You should see something like this:

You are now able to view all previous Google employees on LinkedIn.

Well done! You now understand how to find employees associated with a specific company on LinkedIn. So if you are looking to add employees of a specific company to your LinkedIn network, then you are all set.


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