Get 25% commissions ... for life!

We make it really simple:


Its easy and free to join.

Get up and running today. Just one approval to join and no third party advertising limitations!


We've got 3 plans for you to promote: Solo, Teams and Managed Service - and we offer 25% commissions on all of these!

You can advertise them on your blog, create adverts to promote them and even automate Linkedin outreach to drive awareness πŸ™‚


Get 25% commissions on all sales you drive for life. We use a 3rd party platform to manage everything and it's connected to our Stripe so everything is automated.

You get access with your own login, can review stats and payouts at any time and rest assured we apply 60 day cookies to make sure we attribute correctly.

The timing is right πŸ₯³

Linkedin is exploding!

There are over 675 million members on Linkedin across the globe - meaning it is the most comprehensive & accurate online database of B2B contacts.

B2B sellers are becoming increasingly tuned in to the possibilities of Linkedin as the most viable method in reaching and selling to their ideal customers

Automation is vital

The reality is that automation of manual tasks is becoming increasingly essential for many sectors to remain competitive.

With such huge opportunity to search & build targeted lead lists on Linkedin, the opportunitiy to reach the ideal customers at scale is unsurpassed.

Demand across sectors

The applications of Salesloop automation tools are significant and are in demand across multiple industry segments. In particular, we're seeing strong demand from recruitment consultants, sales representatives, content marketers and event managers.

Any opportunity to tap into an audience of these users is highly likely to yield results!

And .... our customers love us πŸ˜‰

Salesloop has helped my team to automate the mundane task of targeting and connecting with certain sectors with a view of building up our network to educate and further support any commercial requirements as and when they occur.
Armand Roux
Sales Director at Grenke Factoring
My LinkedIn connections and profile views have soared. Manually connecting is time-consuming – it’s not a productive use of my time. It is reassuring to know the SalesLoop Team are doing everything to protect my LinkedIn account as well.
Phil Duffy
Director at Storism

Heard enough? Ready to get earning as an affiliate?

Then sign up here:


Use Coupon Code: GRIDOC21